I am currently referencing by using:
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,bibliography=totoc]{scrreprt}\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}\usepackage[backend=biber,bibstyle=chem-acs,sorting=none,biblabel=brackets,sortcites=true]{biblatex}\addbibresource{references.bib}\begin{document}Somebody told me.\cite{James2003,Allendorf2009,Rowsell2004}\printbibliography\end{document}
Supposing that the file references.bib contains:
@article{James2003,author = {James, S. L.},journal = {Chem. Soc. Rev.},number = {5},pages = {276--288},title = {{Metal-organic frameworks}},volume = {32},year = {2003}}@article{Rowsell2004,author = {Rowsell, Jesse L.C. and Yaghi, Omar M.},journal = {Microporous Mesoporous Mater.},pages = {3--14},title = {{Metal-organic frameworks: a new class of porous materials}},volume = {73},year = {2004}}@article{Allendorf2009,author = {Allendorf, M. D. and Bauer, C. A. and Bhakta, R. K. and Houk, R. J. T.},journal = {Chem. Soc. Rev.},number = {5},pages = {1330--1352},title = {{Luminescent metal-organic frameworks.}},volume = {38},year = {2009}}
Running latex -> biber -> latex -> latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf (need this procedure for other reasons) gives:
Somebody told me.[1, 2, 3]
How can I get compressed consecutive references like
Somebody told me.[1-3]
The cite and natbib packages provide compressing but are incompatible with biblatex. biblatex has a numeric-comp style but I need bibliography formatting of chem-acs. The biblatex documentation refers to the sortcites=true option which seems to indeed sort the numbers within the brackets but doesn't provide compressing.
Thanks for your help!